Dum longitudine vel profundum frigoris repono maior quam 50m, expansionem iuncturam sit installed. Multa magna-scale frigus reparages. Quia non est expansionem iuncturam in area de frigore repono, in terra habet magna area rimas, quae faciam in area de frigore repono esse turpis. Si non reparavit tempore, frigus repono erit laedi. Aeris obice est scissa et frigus repono inulatione materia est humida, quod reduces in perficientur scelerisque velit et ultimately afficit ministerium vitae frigus repono. Problems ut deformatio summis ne minoris. In his conclusiones fiunt ad haec problems:
I. Deformatio articulis frigoris repono aedificia potest dividitur in tres genera: expansionem articulis, compositionem articulis et seismic articulis. When the cold storage building is too long, due to the temperature change, the cold storage structure will be damaged due to thermal expansion and contraction of the material, resulting in cracks in the outer wall and roof, affecting the use, or tearing the air barrier to make heat insulation The material deteriorates with moisture, reducing its thermal insulation properties. Igitur secundum aedificium structuram et diversas materiae, expansionem articulis ponatur intra aliquam distantiam, ut unum ad 55m projicere-in-loco frame structuram, unum ad 75m prefabricato artus et unam partem ad Prefabbricum et profundum adipiscing 25m 50m et profundum, et alta est maior quam longitudine et profundum adipiscing 25m in longitudine et profundum adipiscing 25m in longitudine et profundum adipiscing 25m cum longitudine et profundum adipiscing est maior 50m.
⒈ CONLECTIO iuncturam
When the height difference between adjacent buildings is large, or due to different structural types, the load is very different, and the foundation properties are significantly different, in order to avoid damage to the building due to uneven subsidence, it is necessary to set settlement joints. Quantum Refrigeration ipsum de frigore repono est de, componere articulis debet poni in sequentibus.
(I) De coniunctas inter frigus repono et aulam cum magna differentia in onus.
(II) et coniunctas diversis structural (vel fundamenta) types
(III) ubi solo qualis est fundamenta est significantly diversis
(IV) De adiunctae a multi-cooperatores frigus repono aedificium cum magna altitudo differentia et unum, storey aedificium (glacians locus, glacies repono, computatrum locus, etc.)
Modus autem constitutionem communiter est plerumque ad interficiam off de tecto ad fundamentum. Eius width debet esse aestimantur secundum hodiernam pertinet nationalibus signa, plerumque 20mm ~ 30mm, et plerumque non imple aliqua materia in iuncturam. Si constitutio iuncturam consistent cum expansionem iuncturam, quod potest etiam esse ut expansionem iuncturam.
⒉seismic iuncturam
In the ground vibration area, due to the different structures and stiffnesses of the main cold storage and the auxiliary buildings, their seismic performance is different, so the cold storage and hall of the frame structure should not be connected with the production or living room of the mixed structure. Seismic articulis separat. Width de anti-seismic articulis non minus 50mm sub aliqua fortuna et artus relinquetur vacua. Cum altitudinem aedificii excedit 10m, iuncturam latitudinem et crescat a 20mm omni 5m augmentum.
2. For the insulation treatment of the cold storage floor, the cold storage insulation prefabricated board or extruded plastic board can generally be used, but the load-bearing capacity of the ground is limited, and it is only suitable for small cold storage. In terra magna frigus repono can utor concretum adtrita layer + SBS IMPERVIUS layer + Extruded plastic tabula SINGUS + roborari concreto + curing agente (Carl), hoc modo ullamcorper meliorem onus et plura users. In usu de frigore repono area est fere disposito secundum ad user scriptor propria usus et requisitis, ut ad redigendum initial initial investment de user.
Solum area in parva, medium et magnum frigus repotaces:
Storage structuram parva frigus repono plerumque vocatur Hexahedron, id est summo superficiem muros et terram omnes colore ferro laminam / immaculatam, quod saepe manual pertractatio pro Factus. Scilicet si altitudo CELLA est excelsum et forklifts postulo onustus et enloaded, non commendatur utor pertransibat tabulas in terra velut terram et humus indiget insulatas in terra velit modum medium-amplitudo frigus in terra velit mediocri frigus, sicut in medium-mediocri frigus, sicut humus in medium-mediocri frigus, sicut humus in medium-mediocri frigus in terra indiget in medium-mediocri frigus, sicut humus in medium-mediocri frigus, sicut humus in medium-mediocri frigus, sicut humus in medium-mediocri frigus in terra velit, sied in terra, sized in terram
Floor velit medium-amplitudo frigus repono
The storage structure of the medium-sized cold storage is what we often call the pentahedron, that is, the top surface and the wall are made of color steel plate/stainless steel with suitable thickness of insulation materials such as polyurethane, and the ground needs to be insulated separately. At present, the common operation method on the market is: using XPS extruded board to lay the ground, laying moisture-proof and vapor-proof SPS material on the top and bottom of the extruded board, and then pouring concrete or reinforced concrete.
Area velit magna frigus repono
Non possumus cogitare quod in terra velit medium-amplitudo frigus repono est magis complicated quam quod ex parva frigus repono, et terram velit operationem magnarum-scale frigus repono cum maior adipiscing area est magis complicated. The common operation method is: first laying ventilation pipes to prevent the ground freezing drum from breaking, then laying XPS extruded boards (staggered laying is required when laying extruded boards), and then laying moisture-proof vapor barrier layers on the upper and lower sides of the extruded boards, and then pouring steel bars Concrete (generally at least 15cm thick), and finally make emery floor or epoxy floor according to requirements. Inter eos, in Xps extrudi tabulas ut posita est etiam posita cum convenientem crassitiem secundum repono temperatus. Exempli gratia, a humilis-temperatus frigus repono necessitates ad ponere 150-200mm crassitudine xps extruditur tabula, cum a summus temperatus frigus repono potest ponere a 100-150 mm crassitudine xps extruditur tabula. plastic tabula.
Post tempus: Ian-10-2022